Submit an Incident Log

ARCTC is collecting information about vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian incidents to monitor current safety measures. Contact information is requested to allow better tracking of incidents and to validate reports but the report can be anonymous. If you provide your contact information, it will not be shared with anyone outside of the ARCTC Board without your permission.

If you see a vehicle collision or incident with another vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian along Edwards Mill, Reedy Creek or Trenton Roads, please do the following:

  1. Report the incident to the police, if applicable.
    If the incident is not an emergency, the non-emergency Raleigh Police response number is 919-829-1911.
    ARCTC is not affiliated with the Raleigh Police and is not responsible for any report made to the police.
  2. Log the details on the ARCTC website using the form below.
Required Fields are designated with a *

Reporter Information

Vehicle Information

Any information you can provide about the vehicle involved could be helpful.

Any information you can provide about either of the vehicles involved could be helpful.

Vehicle One:
Vehicle Two:

In order to stay informed, we will have to collect your contact information, but only for our contact database. If you have selected to file this report anonymously, the report will contain none of your personal information.